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ProClean Lift Station Grease Dissolver, 5-pound block (4 per case)
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Do you service high-flow systems like Lift Stations and Wet Wells? The ProClean® Lift Station Grease Dissolver provides an easy solution to organic waste buildup that can cause problems. The Lift Station Grease Dissolver is made with safe and natural bacteria that works to reduce odor, sludge, fats, oils and grease buildup. Don't wait for emergency plumbing problems when you can prevent issues with ProClean Lift Station Grease Dissolver. This 5-pound block is easily installed in a lift station. It not only helps combat the grease, but it also works against foul odors and sludge buildup that commonly occur with lift stations and wet wells.
Why Should I Try the ProClean Lift Station Grease Dissolver?
- Allows for 24 hour continuous treatment of waste, not just periodic dosage
- Greatly reduces labor time needed for dosage maintenance
- Reduces hydrogen sulfide & sludge buildup
- Easy to use
- Significantly reduces odors
- Cost effective & reduces the need for pump-outs
- Breaks down fat & grease buildup and maintains lift station efficiency
- Eliminates need for metering pump - no initial or maintenance cost
- Eliminates need for personnel to dose other types of treatments daily or weekly
Dosage Information:
This block will dissolve over a 30-90 day period as the waste water flow washes over it. Higher flow rates will result in faster degradation. The block should be installed directly in the flow.
75KGD - 250KGD — 5 lb. block
250KGD - 1MGD — 10 lb. block
KGD: Thousand Gallons a Day
MGD: Million Gallons a Day